Pony Rides for Your Perfect Party!
Pony Ride Parties are for kids and for the rest of us...
I invite you to experience The magic of connection that matters to ponies(horses) this happens in your own backyard with family members or a few friends.
By Setting up calm, inviting spaces at your place where pony feels safe in relationship to us, the more likely pony will invest himself in whatever we have planned for your pony experience.
There’s a million reasons why you might want a pony experience in your backyard and I’m happy to explore this with you.
I warmly invite you to get in-touch with me.
Meet&Greet Photos and Mingle with Donkey
Nativities are a fun, festive and timeless way to celebrate the holiday season at school and wrap up the last week of term in a special way.And what better way is there than when children can meet our very own Christmas Donkey here in Perth
Nativities with our very own Donkey provides an enjoyable and meaningful experience for children, teachers and parents, and will create lifelong memories for all involved.
Donkeys most happy standing in his bubble of hay...
Reading to children the Nativity short story and having our Donkey visit for a pat and photos helps children better understand the importance of “Nativity for Christians”.
After all, it could be the first time the children will learn about the story they’ll be acting out, meet the Donkey and hear the songs they’ll be singing.
Creating engaging Donkey experience that will keep families coming back each year.
Christmas-Palm Sunday-Easter-Church visits-School visits-Parades-Nativities-Community Events
Christmas-Palm Sunday-Easter-Church visits-School visits-Parades-Nativities-Community Events