school programes

Uncovering the Remarkable Learning Abilities of Ponies. An Educational Experience for school incursions, fetes and family events in perth

 School Fairs, Fetes, and School Holiday Programs around Perth

Demonstration Overview

Our educational demonstration is designed to provide a simple understanding of pony training for children and families curios about ponies in the Perth area, showcasing various methods and techniques. The event is divided into three distinct parts, each focusing on different aspects of training and handling ponies.
Part One: Training an Inexperienced Pony

In the first part of the demonstration, we focus on training an “inexperienced pony” using a halter, lead-rope and whip. This segment highlights how to make requests of the pony to move and stand quietly. Throughout this session, we emphasize safety measures and demonstrate how these tools assist in guiding the pony within our domesticated environment.                                                      

Audience members and children are encouraged to ask questions, which will be answered through practical demonstrations with the pony, illustrating the effective use of the halter, lead-rope and whip.

Part Two: Working with a Well-Trained Pony
The second part of our demonstration features a “well-trained pony,” showcasing advanced training without the use of a halter, lead-rope, and minimal use of a whip. This segment illustrates the results of consistent training and the development of trust and communication between myself and the pony. Observers families and children at Perth Events are encourage to ask questions to gain insight into the progression from basic to advanced training techniques and the increased responsiveness of a well-trained pony.
Part Three: Freestyle Liberty Performance
In the final part of the demonstration, the “well-trained pony” presents a freestyle liberty show set to the soundtrack of "Dirty Dancing."

This three-minute performance incorporates the training methods discussed earlier, providing a dynamic and entertaining example of the pony's capabilities and the effectiveness of the training techniques.

The freestyle show is a top favorite for Perth kids not only does it showcase the pony's skills but also highlights the bond between the pony and myself offering a captivating conclusion to the demonstration.

By featuring this demonstration at your event around Perth, participants will  be encourage to join-in and ask-alot-of-questions during the demo. The pony will demonstrate the answers, providing a deeper understanding of pony training, from basic handling to advanced performance, and showcasing the results of dedicated training practices.

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