Our educational demonstration is designed to provide a simple understanding of being around ponies.
So join in the fun learning why horses do the things they do, the care they need, and all about the subtle silent language they use.

How do horses “talk” to each other? How do they “talk” to you? How can you “talk” back?
Demonstration Overview
Our introduction to natural horsemanship is based on the philosophy of listening to the horse, training for connection and practicing good horsemanship.
My ponies will show you how they use their body language to communicate with each other and, I’ll explain how to use your own posture and movement to ask my pony to go forward, stop, turn, and follow.

The demonstration showcases the relationship and connection I share with my ponies, creating a heartfelt experience that captivates and inspires the audience.
This connection leads to effective problem-solving and joyful performances, ensuring the best experience for both you and my ponies.